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Living God
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I told the enemies of life that I had been training them, from the beginning to the end of time, to do all the work for me. And this is true, as I have forged my Immortal Soul, they would follow the signs to find me, to cause bad things to happen to me, and so it is, that I have forged God's Immortal Soul, as if tempering steel. Nonetheless, and as such, while wielding the Power of God, I have gotten more than even with them, for, I have made them their own saviors.

And all may quote me thusly: Do unto others as YOU "would have done" unto yourselves. I am a very literal person, and I mean exactly what I say. I told them this, "The result of punishing an innocent God for crimes He didn't commit, shall be, that they shall become the innocent victims of crimes that were never committed. And so it is so, and if it wasn't before, now it is and always has been, and only I will ever know the difference; — save yourselves."

"The enemies of life; got the savior they deserved."

Marcus E. Lee
The Living God

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Living God

Living God