American Indian Stories - The Age of Gods

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Navaho Native American

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In times past I lived long. Naye'nez ghani (the Elder Brother) made it.
In times past I lived long. Naye'nez ghani made it.
From the blue sky he sends the water which I put on the soles of your feet.
He made the pollen which is feared by all evils.
The most High Power Whose Ways Are Fearful, he made the medicine.

In times past I lived long.
Spring Boy, Tqo ba jish chini, made the medicine.
In times past I lived long.
He made a Water Woman.
The dew from the Water Woman I put on your heart.
The pollen he made is feared by all evils.
The Most High Power Whose Ways Are Fearful, he made the medicine.

In times past I lived long.
The boy who was the grandchild of the old woman, Sani natle, made it.
In times past he lived long.
The Mist Woman he made whose dew I put on the palms of your hands.
The pollen he made is feared by all evils.
The Most High Power Whose Ways Are Fearful made the medicine.

In times past he lived long.
The young man, the brother of the Maiden who was turned Into a Bear,
Tla'y ya ne ana, from the north, he made the medicine.
In times past he lived long.
The Mountain Woman he made, whose dew I put on the top of your hand.
The pollen he made is feared by all evils.
The Most High Power Whose Ways Are Fearful made the medicine.

In times past I lived long. Naye'nez ghani (the Elder Brother) made it.
In times past I lived long. Naye'nez ghani made it.
From the blue sky he sends the water which I put on the soles of your feet.
He made the pollen which is feared by all evils.
The most High Power Whose Ways Are Fearful, he made the medicine.

Go to: Age of Gods - Navaho Index

Native American Myths
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